The U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman has been pushing to not only complete the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership but also wants another pact with the European Union and three other major trade deals — all in the 18 months remaining in President Barack Obama’s term.
It could add up to the biggest trade blitz in history, transforming the rules under which the world does business.
By allowing foreign busybodies to bypass the independent federal judiciary through TPP, we are blindly destroying what the US Constitution has built and protected. The passage of TPP is a dirty deal that will fracture our constitutional rights and the US sovereignty. It's clear that we do not want the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) anywhere near our beloved America.
Considered as the largest "trade" agreement, this partnership involves 12 countries: United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam.
This pact will cover approximately 40% of the global economy. The appalling attempt to cunningly hide behind the name "free trade" does not make it less of a dirty deal. Clearly it is not all about trade.
In fact, of the 29 drafts, only 5 of them tackle trade issues! The bigger chunk of the agreement sets laws on non-trade matters. Issues such as food safety standards, environmental protections, and local labor laws could be threatened if TPP is passed successfully.
For 200 years, the US Constitution requires the Congress to write the laws and establish trade policies. Now, Obama has already brought back the old Fast Track process.
According to
Fast Track handed the executive branch five key congressional powers - steamrolling key checks and balances in the Constitution by seizing authority vested in our congressional representatives:
- Power to select trade partners,
- Power to set terms and sign sweeping "trade" agreements before Congress votes on them,
- Power to write legislation to change all U.S. laws needed to conform with the agreements, skirt congressional review and amendments and directly submit this legislation for a vote,
- Power to force votes within 60-90 days of submitting the implementing legislation to Congress,
- Power to override normal voting rules. All amendments on Fast-Tracked FTAs are banned and debate is limited, including in the Senate.
Rep. Duncan Hunter purported that, "TPP calls for the formation of a permanent political and economic union known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission, which will have power to issue regulations impacting not only trade but immigration, the environment, labor and commerce." It is not a surprise at all that Mr. President doesn't want us to see what's inside the deal thus wanting to fast track said agreement.
The recent TPP negotiations in Hawaii came about with no resolution and will remain to be on the cards for the next 12 months. But it seems like the negotiators are even more determined to complete it by the end of August. According to Tim Groser, the Trade Negotiations Minister, the negotiations for the trade agreement will resume in Kuala Lumpur.
Take action now. Let us defeat TPP. You can show your dedication to stop TPP by signing the pledge HERE.
-To our freedom and liberty,
Norm Novitsky and the In Search of Liberty Team
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